Royal Numerology Review (Legit System by Aiden Powers or Scam?)

Royal Numerology

For many years, I struggled to reach my goals in life.
Despite my best efforts, I’d been unable to find a romantic partner, a fulfilling career and just general satisfaction in life.
Can you relate?
Are you, too, unable to find the right path in life?
When I turned 30 years old, one of my closest childhood friends gave me an unusual gift. Now, this friend, Kristy, always seems to have what I’d lacked. She has a great marriage, an exciting career and pretty much always seems happy and satisfied.
Kristy gave me a free numerology reading. At first, I thought she was kidding. But she explained how numerology had helped her make every major decision in her life. With numerology, she had the confidence to know she was always heading in the right direction.
Despite my skepticism, I signed up for the free reading. Let me tell you, I was amazed by the results. After making numerology a part of my life, I’ve seen incredible changes in my health, finances and love life.
There are many Royal Numerology Reviews out there but only mine is completely, 100% honest. Ready to take a look at how numerology can influence your life for the better? Read more now:
Special Offer – Updated for Happy New Year 2020
If you’re in a hurry and just want to get a FREE numerology report, we got you covered!

A Critical Review of Aiden Powers’ Royal Numerology

Things to Consider Before Getting a Numerology Report

Are you struggling to find your path in life? All the motivation and talent in the world can be useless if you’re unsure what direction to move towards. Numerology is a great tool for anyone struggling with uncertainty.
A numerology report can act as a guidepost or roadmap for achieving the type of life you want.

Who Should Get Them?

You absolutely do not have to be 100% committed to the idea that numerology is an effective way to chart your course in life. But you must at least be open to the idea of big change.
If you don’t think numerology can help you, it probably won’t. You need to be open to the report in order to receive the benefits. If you doubt the predictions and guidance received, you likely won’t take the appropriate actions towards your pre-destined path.

What is Royal Numerology?

The numbers you’re seeing are no coincidence.
Royal Numerology provides custom readings based on an individual’s birth date and full name.
The letters in your name are converted into numbers, which are used in combination with the numbers related to your birthday.
Together, those numbers develop your unique numerological report.
The primary purpose of numerology is to help you discover “who you are, what you are made of, and what the future might hold for you.”
Royal Numerology is an online service available to anyone. You can visit the site today for a free, custom-created numerology report. An additional, more in-depth report and other personalized materials are also available to buy.
Similar numerology services exist online including While that site does also offer customer numerology reports, only Royal Numerology has Master Numerologist Aiden Powers.

Who is Aiden Powers?

Meet Aiden Powers; Master Numerologist.
Aiden Powers is the most unique selling point of the Royal Numerology system. As a Master Numerologist, he’s responsible for creating every numerology report.
Aiden started his life as a very normal, happy kid. Throughout his early years in school, he began a lifelong fascination with numbers.
Aside from the science of mathematics, he also began to sense that numbers had far more magical abilities than people generally acknowledged.
He continued his studies of numerology and quantum physics into adulthood.
Today, he’s discovered how numbers act as clues towards unlocking our purpose in the Universe.
Note that, because of his immense popularity, “Aiden Powers” is a pseudonym used to safeguard the real individual’s identity.

How Does It Work?

Although numerology is a complicated, intricate process for the Numerologist, the process is very easy for the person receiving the report.
First, simply visit the Royal Numerology site. Aiden will ask you to input your full first, middle and last name.
You’ll also submit your full birthdate including year.
You’ll then have the option to submit any numbers which have been appearing in your life recently.
Finally, you can tell Aiden about any issues in your life which you need help with. This can be an upcoming choice you need to make, a current situation you’re unsure about or any other question.
Aiden doesn’t deliver your numerology report right away. Instead, you’ll need to give him your email address. Your report will be custom created and delivered to you within a few days.
Everybody is given one free report. If you find the report useful, you can pay for additional readings. These paid reports are far more in-depth and detailed.


  • Free numerology report custom-made based on your personal information.
  • Expert Numerologist Aiden Powers has an extensive background in both quantum physics and numerology.
  • Other custom reports and tools are available for additional fees.


  • Free report is detailed but not as comprehensive as the paid one.
  • You’ll need to submit your real age and name.
  • Report is usually useless if you’re unwilling to accept the results.

Features and Benefits You Get

Ready for the life you deserve?
Here are just some of the features and benefits you’ll receive by using the Royal Numerology system:

Guidance Towards Major Decisions

Should you take that new job? Ask out that new acquaintance? Numerology helps you chart your path in life.
Your numerological report helps you make decisions in both the long and short-term. Aside from helping chart a general path, Aiden Powers can create a chart showing you specific information related to wealth, health, relationships or any other situation.

Determine Your Lucky Numbers

Aiden will be able to tell you your four lucky numbers. While these aren’t numbers you can use to win the Lotto, they are four numbers which will have a profound impact throughout your life.
Your first lucky number is your Life Path Number. This number is calculated by adding your birth year, month and day all together. The result is reduced to a single digit which is your Life Path Number.
Your LPN is the most important number in all of numerology. It shapes your personality and every individual trait. A Master Numerologist uses your Life Path Number to help you understand the entire purpose of your life.
The second lucky number is your Expression Number. Each letter in your full name is converted into a number, which is then reduced to a single digit.
Your Expression Number helps you determine your innate skills and abilities. Plus, this number can help you uncover the secrets of your past lives.
The third lucky number is your Motivation Number. This number represents your goals, dreams and ambitions. Many people are surprised to learn these goals are often not exactly what they’ve anticipated.
Your Motivation Number is determined by turning each vowel in your name into a number. Those numbers are then reduced to a single digit.
Your final lucky number is your Birthday Number. This is simply the day you were born, with any two-digit numbers reduced to a single digit. Your Birthday Number represents a hidden skill or talent.

Astrology and Divination

Numerology can help you connect with other powerful spiritual tools. If you already study astrology, then numerology should feel immediately familiar.
Both astrology and numerology are based on your specific birthday. As you learn more about numerology, you’ll be able to make more in-depth and accurate predictions based on your astrological sign. The two disciplines often go hand-in-hand.
Do you feel a connection to angels? Numerology can help you determine which divine beings might be watching over you, and how you can increase your communication with them.
Here’s a video that goes into depth about the spiritual meaning behind numbers:

What Makes It Unique

There are countless numerology programs available. What makes Royal Numerology different?

Free Online Readings

The power of numerology exists outside of our perception of space and time. So there’s no need to visit with a numerologist in person. You can have an in-depth numerology chart developed online through a direct connection to Aiden Powers.
You can visit the site today for a free reading. If you like what the report has to say, you can then purchase additional readings. If the free reading doesn’t convince you, you’ve made no financial commitment.

Expert Numerologist

Speaking of Aiden, he’s another important reason why Royal Numerologist stands out from the crowd. Aiden has spent a lifetime studying numerology and quantum physics.
Unlike many numerologists, Aiden doesn’t claim to have any psychic powers or innate gifts. Instead, he’s approached numerology from the perspective of a scientist and a scholar.
Personally, I’m comforted by the idea that he has a more objective approach towards finding numerology techniques which have been shown to generate results.

Custom Reports

Aside from basing your numerology report on your name and birthday, Aiden also wants to know about any unique numbers which have been appearing in your life.
Have you recently seen the numbers four or 11 seemingly everywhere? They both hold special significance in the world of numerology. But any number which has been popping up frequently can be important, and Aiden will carefully consider the meaning when creating your report.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Numerology reports are based on an individual’s name and birthday. While my report worked out great, others might have had different experiences. I searched through comments online to learn how other people felt about the Royal Numerology system. Here’s what I found:
Royal Numerology User Review and Testimonials

Alternatives to Royal Numerology

  • This is another site which creates unique reports based on your name and birthday. They offer one free numerology reading based on your first name and birthday.
    Although I found Royal Numerology to be secure and trustworthy, many people are hesitant to submit their full name and birthday to an unknown company. If you just want to get a feel for what numerology is all about, is an easy way to get a customized report.
    Click Or Tap Here To Learn More About
  • Manifestation Miracle: There’s no need to work hard and struggle in order to reach your goals. Manifestation Miracle is a system where you learn how to use your thoughts to create a whole new reality.
    A 159-page instruction manual is available for instant download. This guide teaches you the step-by-step process to clear out negative thought patterns, visualize your goals and manifest them into reality.
    Manifestation techniques help you bring positive benefits into your life, while numerology helps guide you towards specific goals. Many people find great success using numerology and manifestation programs together.
    Click Or Tap Here To Learn More About Manifestation Miracle.
  • Thought Elevators: Eric Taller has developed a four-stage manifestation process called Thought Elevators which can help you reach peak mental performance. His system teaches you how to clear your mind from negative thought patterns and replace them with an abundance-oriented mindset.
    This is a fairly comprehensive program with 10 audio files, nine videos, an instruction booklet and a wide variety of bonus materials. Thought Elevators is for anyone who wants to take a “deep dive” into manifestation techniques.
    Personally, I found Royal Numerology much simpler and easier to get into. But the Thought Elevators program is a great option if you want a ton of instructional material to devour.
    Click Or Tap Here To Learn More About Thought Elevators.

Review Conclusion: Scam or Does It Really Work?

This post has been updated for Christmas 2019. The world is filled with signs and symbols guiding you towards your goals. If you’re feeling lost in life, a numerology report really can help you find the path to success.
Take control of your life with a custom numerology report. Your birthday, name and other relevant numbers can be used to help predict your future and guide your decision making.
My Royal Numerology review has hopefully motivated you to check out the Royal Numerology site for your free numerology report. If you find the first report helpful, you might want to sign up for even more in-depth reports. Numerology can help you unlock a whole new, fantastic life.