Your 2020 Prosperity Planner

Your 2020 Cosmic Calendar will be sent to your inbox momentarily, but first…

This ONE Secret Number Reveals What You Must Do To Effortlessly Access The Infinitely Abundant Universe In 2020

There’s one number we haven’t told you about yet...

It’s one of the simplest calculations in numerology, based only on your date of birth, but don’t let that fool you. It represents a powerful pattern deep inside your numerology chart that can cause serious trouble if ignored. 

Like the hub of a wheel, this number acts as the central benchmark to which all your other numbers relate.

It illuminates your biggest challenge stopping you from achieving your ultimate potential…

As well as the negative habits, fears and tendencies you can no longer turn a blind eye to…

Especially as we transition into a brand new “4” Universal Year (2+0+2+0=4).

With 2020 upon us, the vibration of the entire Universe is preparing for a massive energetic shift.

Are you ready to deal with the unavoidable changes and unexpected obstacles that are about to arise?

We hope so, because if you wait too long, you’ll be too late…

Your personalized 2020 Prosperity Planner will reveal what you must do to overcome your core challenge and become absolutely unstoppable in 2020, while the year is still young...

Easily recognize opportunities and dodge obstacles, so you can take the “fast-track” path to the life you deserve.

Gain a deeper understanding of your pesky habits, tendencies and patterns so you can clear them quickly and easily…

Achieve more money, status and power in your career and professional life...
Increase your self-esteem so you can approach potential clients, superiors, and even potential love interests with confidence...

Improve your relationships, win friends, receive more appreciation, and become a better communicator.

And effortlessly achieve your full and unlimited potential for success and prosperity.

    And there’s no better time than right now to call upon your highest self...

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                     2020 Is Here & It’s Better Than Ever!

    As you know, we just experienced a “3” Universal Year in 2019 (2+0+1+9=12, 1+2=3), the number of creation, confidence and expression! 

    A “3” Universal Year talks a big game. So, hopefully, 2019 was the year you celebrated incredible progress and abundance in all areas of your life...

    But in case you’ve had a different experience of the past year… 

    In case 2019 wasn’t a breeze for you… 

    In case you’re still struggling to get a handle on things, all the while wondering how 2020 can be at our doorstep already...

    Please know that you’re not alone.

    The past year has been rough on many, thanks to the dark undercurrents of self-doubt, self-sabotage and intense insecurity that come with the Number 3.

    So, if you hesitated, even just for a moment, intense feelings of doubt or dread may have crept in, leaving you feeling a bit battered and bruised…

    And then, just like that, the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve and the energetic pulse of the entire Universe shifts again.

    Decisions you’ve made, challenges you’ve faced, projects you’ve invested countless hours and resources in…

    Even the relationships you’ve built…

    Will shift in response to the rhythm of a new Universal Year. 

    Some things may flow more smoothly, offering relief from the slog of the past year... 

    While unexpected obstacles may flare up in resistance to the sudden hairpin turn of change.

    If you’re not ready for it, you’ll stay stuck in the painful loop of never-quite-getting-there.

    But here’s the good news…

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    Everything You Went Through In 2019 Was In Preparation For Something Much, Much Bigger Coming Your Way...

    When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, the pulse of the entire Universe will shift again.

    Decisions you’ve made, challenges you’ve faced, projects you’ve invested countless hours and resources in…

    Even the relationships you’ve built…

    Will shift in response to the rhythm of a new Universal Year. 

    Some things may flow more smoothly, offering relief from the slog of the past year... 

    While unexpected obstacles may flare up in resistance to the sudden hairpin turn of change.

    If you’re not ready for it, you’ll stay stuck in the painful loop of never-quite-getting-there.

    Unlike you, many honest and hard-working folks will remain blind to the reason behind their endless struggle of the past year.

    They’ll keep their head down, nose to the grindstone, working endlessly to hopefully come out ahead…

    But the more they struggle the harder it will get...

    Because fighting against your greatest challenge is a tireless cycle that will not cease until you choose to settle...

    Miles and miles from your ultimate potential. 

    It’s a flawed belief of the human condition that success, happiness and prosperity require constant struggle. 

    The reality is, transforming your greatest challenge into your greatest strength is far easier than you think.

    The answer is not to change who you are because, as we know, people rarely change and that is a lot to demand of yourself. The key, as you’ll see in a matter of minutes, is to harmonize with the rhythm of the Universe, before it gets the best of you...

    And that’s why we’re writing you today, to give you a heads up and a leg up. 

    So that this time, you’ll be prepared and well-equipped to take advantage of the magnificent year ahead.

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    Access The Infinitely Abundant Universe With Your 2020 Prosperity Planner

    Over the last few weeks, our team has been working behind-the-scenes to create something special for you. 

    Something you would find not just valuable but absolutely pivotal as you transition into a new Universal Year.

    Your 2020 Prosperity Planner includes step-by-step guidance on what you must do to prepare for the 4 Universal Year ahead (2+0+2+0=4)...

    As well as a personalized forecast to help you achieve the fullest expression of your Achievement Number.

    It reveals your path of least resistance in 2020 so you can effortlessly navigate the year ahead and plan for the prosperity you deserve.

    In your 152-page Prosperity Planner, you’ll discover:
    • Your full Achievement Number profile based on your date of birth...
    • The 3 steps you must follow to effortlessly transition from a “3” to a “4” Universal Year and how to prepare for a prosperous 2020...
    • What changes to expect during this “4” Universal Year (HINT: everything, and we mean everything, is about to change)...
    • Your 2020 Personal Energy Forecast, including monthly breakdowns and personalized readings (HINT: Your Achievement Number + 2020 = your secret strength)...
    • The major theme you can expect to dominate your life in the new year (it’s critical you know this as you start making plans for 2020)...
    • Your ideal color and crystal combination for aligning with the rhythm of the Universe in 2020 (this may surprise you)...
    • Plus much, much more.